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Between 216 bp to 217 bp of the wild-type csrp3 coding sequence, G is inserted in exon 3. CZ451
Between 211 bp to 217 bp of the wild-type csrp3 coding sequence, TATGGGT is deleted in exon 3. CZ452
Between 297 bp to 305 bp of the wild-type msx3 coding sequence, AGTGGAGAG is mutated to TATCTGCGTAAAGCGACACACTACA in exon 1. CZ453
Between 217 bp to 222 bp of the wild-type nfe2l2a coding sequence, CTGCAG is mutated to GAGGA in exon 2.  CZ454
Between 580 bp to 581 bp of the wild-type esr1 coding sequence, TG is mutated to CGAC in exon 4 CZ455
Between 655 bp to 661 bp of the wild-type klf2b coding sequence, GCGTATC is mutated to TGA in exon 2.  CZ456
Between 737 bp to 738 bp of the wild-type klf2b coding sequence, TG is mutated to ACC in exon 2.  CZ457
Between 918 bp to 922 bp of the wild-type lepr coding sequence, CCGCA is mutated to GCA in exon 8.  CZ458
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