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作者:xiexunwei 发布时间:2017/6/30 11:00:00
    在中国,自90年代初斑马鱼被引入应用于科研研究工作中。2000年后,斑马鱼研究团体飞速增长,Web of ScienceTM核心合集(v5.23.2)数据显示,2000-2001年中国斑马鱼相关研究论文在世界中的占比仅为1.6%,之后中国论文占比持续增长,到了2010年首次突破10%,而到了2016年,更是达到了惊人的23.1%(Fig. 1)。中国目前是仅次于美国的斑马鱼研究大国(Fig. 2)。

Figure1. The proportion of zebrafish-related papers published by Chinese investigators in those published worldwide from 1990 to 2016. X axis is the amount of publications and Y axis is time. The percentage numbers in each bar represents the proportion of publications in China in corresponding year(s).The breaks on x axis indicate from 900 to 1300.

Figure2. The proportion of zebrafish-related papers published by investigators from different countries in those published worldwide from 2010 to 2016. X axis is time and Y axis is the proportions of the publications.

   在我国,自上世纪90年代开始有研究者采用斑马鱼为模式动物开展有关研究工作,目前以斑马鱼为工具进行研究的各种实验室超过300家。中国斑马鱼实验室不仅在数量上增加迅速,其研究方向的发展也和国际同步,涉及斑马鱼研究的方方面面,研究占比较多的有遗传学、发育生物学、神经生物学、水产性状改良、环境水质监测、毒理学等方面(Fig. 3)。

Figure3.The amount of zebrafish-related papers published by Chinese investigators in TOP 10 research areas from 2000 to 2016. X axis is the amount of publications and Y axis is the TOP 10 research areas. The percentage numbers in each bar represents the proportion of publications in China in corresponding research area.
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