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作者:luojiao 发布时间:2022/6/28 5:00:00
2022年6月14日,华南师范大学刘彦梅研究员/秦伟研究员和广东省人民医院费继锋教授合作在Nature Communications上发表了题为“SpG and SpRY variants expand the CRISPR toolbox for genome editing in zebrafish”的研究。该研究通过纯化蛋白并结合化学修饰gRNA的方法优化了SpCas9新变体SpG和SpRY在斑马鱼基因组的应用,并生成了SpRY介导的胞嘧啶碱基编辑器SpRY-CBE4max和腺嘌呤碱基编辑器zSpRY-ABE8e,突破了PAM的限制,实现了一些以前无法触及的疾病相关遗传变异,显著提高了CRISPR-Cas在斑马鱼基因组中的靶向性。
研究人员首先构建了斑马鱼密码子优化的SpG变体,通过mRNA和体外转录合成的gRNA靶向酪氨酸酶(tyr)基因,显示出胚胎白化的表型,但与SpCas9相比白化比例较低(图1a、b)。借鉴于SpCas9核糖核蛋白复合物(Cas9:gRNA核糖核蛋白,RNP)替代mRNA可以提高突变效率[8],研究人员将原两端的SV40 NLS替换成bpNLS并纯化成SpG蛋白后,SpG RNP复合物提高了tyr位点的突变效率(图1b)。
为了进一步提高SpG的编辑效率,通过2'-O-methyl-3'-phosphorothioate (MS)修饰gRNA的末端以增加其稳定性[9],结果表明,与体外转录的未修饰gRNA(IVT gRNA)相比,无论是使用mRNA还是RNP复合物,MS修饰的gRNA(EasyEdit sgRNA,EEgRNA)显着提高了SpGCas9在四个不同PAM位点的靶向效率,且蛋白质加MS修饰的gRNA效率最高(图1c)。通过注射SpG蛋白加MS修饰gRNA复合物,在rpl17-NGA PAM敲除F0胚胎和其他RP基因靶向组中观察到小头、小眼和后脑脑室扩大的表型(图 1d)。
图1 优化的SpG在斑马鱼的NGN PAM位点显示出高编辑效率
图1 优化的SpG在斑马鱼的NGN PAM位点显示出高编辑效率
SpRY变体在人类细胞基因组的NRN PAMs中具有有效的编辑活性,并表现出对NYN PAMs一定的编辑能力[6]。研究人员参照SpG的优化策略,测试了48个来自三个内源基因(rpl9、rpl17和 rps16)的位点,这些位点涵盖了所有 16种可能的PAM,在斑马鱼中评估了SpRY 的核酸酶活性(图2a)和PAM的偏好性(图2b)。结果表明SpRY 在斑马鱼中对 NRN 的偏好高于NYN,这与在人类细胞和植物中报道的结果一致[6, 10]。考虑到PAM灵活的SpRY可能会增加脱靶的风险,进一步分析了三个具有相对较高切割活性的位点的脱靶效应,但并没发现起具有明显的脱靶效应(图2c)。
图2 优化的 SpRYCas9 核酸酶靶向斑马鱼中的不同 NNN PAM
图2 优化的 SpRYCas9 核酸酶靶向斑马鱼中的不同 NNN PAM
研究者构建的SpRY-CBE4max在32个靶向16个基因的不同PAM位点中,有17个位点检测到C-T的碱基替换(图3a)。在患有皮肤黑色素瘤的个体患者中报告了MITF的Glu318Lys突变[12],研究人员利用SpRY-CBE4max也成功构建了该遗传变异相关疾病模型(图3b),注射后的胚胎显示出色素缺乏的表型(图3c),表明E255K对维持 mitfa功能的必要性。
图3 SpRY-CBE4max高效地介导各种 PAM 的胞嘧啶碱基编辑
图3 SpRY-CBE4max高效地介导各种 PAM 的胞嘧啶碱基编辑
最近报道的噬菌体辅助进化的ABE8e在人类细胞中具有强大的A-G的编辑效应[13],研究人员据此改进了腺嘌呤碱基编辑生成斑马鱼密码子优化的zSpRY-ABE8e,并用9个内源基因测试其编辑能力、脱靶率和产物纯度。zSpRY-ABE8e 在斑马鱼的不同的PAM 位点上显示出较好的A-G编辑活性,某些位点编辑效率甚至高达96%(图4a),其高活性编辑窗口覆盖了protospacer的第3至9位核苷酸。
i-Silence是通过使用ABE将起始密码子(ATG到GTG 或ACG)突变来达到基因突变的新策略[14]。研究者使用zSpRY-ABE8e联合i-Silence策略,在斑马鱼突变了Diamond-Blackfan 贫血相关基因tsr2[15],导致该蛋白产生M1V 突变(图4b),从而表现出小眼、尖头和轻微心包水肿(图4d),成功地创建了一种新的DBA模型(图4c)。NGS分析发现与CBE相比,zSpRY-ABE8e产生的的indels更低,且具有很高的产物纯度。
图4 zSpRY-ABE8e 介导各种 PAM 的高效腺嘌呤碱基编辑
图4 zSpRY-ABE8e 介导各种 PAM 的高效腺嘌呤碱基编辑
综上,通过结合纯化的含有 bpNLS 的蛋白质和 MS 修饰的gRNA, SpG和SpRY斑马鱼基因组中可以有效地靶向几乎所有PAM 的位点。此外,SpRY-CBE4max 和 zSpRY-ABE8e 可以有效地编辑以前工具无法编辑的位点。这些新开发的基因编辑工具将促进斑马鱼模型在揭示基因功能、生理机制以及疾病发病机制和治疗中的应用。
1. Anzalone AV, Koblan LW, Liu DR. Genome editing with crispr-cas nucleases, base editors, transposases and prime editors. Nat Biotechnol, 2020, 38: 824-844
2. Hu JH, Miller SM, Geurts MH, et al. Evolved cas9 variants with broad pam compatibility and high DNA specificity. Nature, 2018, 556: 57-63
3. Nishimasu H, Shi X, Ishiguro S, et al. Engineered crispr-cas9 nuclease with expanded targeting space. Science, 2018, 361: 1259-1262
4. Endo M, Mikami M, Endo A, et al. Genome editing in plants by engineered crispr-cas9 recognizing ng pam. Nat Plants, 2019, 5: 14-17
5. Li J, Luo J, Xu M, et al. Plant genome editing using xcas9 with expanded pam compatibility. J Genet Genomics, 2019, 46: 277-280
6. Walton RT, Christie KA, Whittaker MN, et al. Unconstrained genome targeting with near-pamless engineered crispr-cas9 variants. Science, 2020, 368: 290-296
7. Moreno-Mateos MA, Fernandez JP, Rouet R, et al. Crispr-cpf1 mediates efficient homology-directed repair and temperature-controlled genome editing. Nat Commun, 2017, 8: 2024
8. Burger A, Lindsay H, Felker A, et al. Maximizing mutagenesis with solubilized crispr-cas9 ribonucleoprotein complexes. Development, 2016, 143: 2025-2037
9. Hendel A, Bak RO, Clark JT, et al. Chemically modified guide rnas enhance crispr-cas genome editing in human primary cells. Nat Biotechnol, 2015, 33: 985-989
10. Li J, Xu R, Qin R, et al. Genome editing mediated by spcas9 variants with broad non-canonical pam compatibility in plants. Mol Plant, 2021, 14: 352-360
11. Zhang Y, Qin W, Lu X, et al. Programmable base editing of zebrafish genome using a modified crispr-cas9 system. Nat Commun, 2017, 8: 118
12. Yokoyama S, Woods SL, Boyle GM, et al. A novel recurrent mutation in mitf predisposes to familial and sporadic melanoma. Nature, 2011, 480: 99-103
13. Richter MF, Zhao KT, Eton E, et al. Phage-assisted evolution of an adenine base editor with improved cas domain compatibility and activity. Nat Biotechnol, 2020, 38: 883-891
14. Wang X, Liu Z, Li G, et al. Efficient gene silencing by adenine base editor-mediated start codon mutation. Mol Ther, 2020, 28: 431-440
15. D'Allard DL, Liu JM. Toward rna repair of diamond blackfan anemia hematopoietic stem cells. Hum Gene Ther, 2016, 27: 792-801
1. Anzalone AV, Koblan LW, Liu DR. Genome editing with crispr-cas nucleases, base editors, transposases and prime editors. Nat Biotechnol, 2020, 38: 824-844
2. Hu JH, Miller SM, Geurts MH, et al. Evolved cas9 variants with broad pam compatibility and high DNA specificity. Nature, 2018, 556: 57-63
3. Nishimasu H, Shi X, Ishiguro S, et al. Engineered crispr-cas9 nuclease with expanded targeting space. Science, 2018, 361: 1259-1262
4. Endo M, Mikami M, Endo A, et al. Genome editing in plants by engineered crispr-cas9 recognizing ng pam. Nat Plants, 2019, 5: 14-17
5. Li J, Luo J, Xu M, et al. Plant genome editing using xcas9 with expanded pam compatibility. J Genet Genomics, 2019, 46: 277-280
6. Walton RT, Christie KA, Whittaker MN, et al. Unconstrained genome targeting with near-pamless engineered crispr-cas9 variants. Science, 2020, 368: 290-296
7. Moreno-Mateos MA, Fernandez JP, Rouet R, et al. Crispr-cpf1 mediates efficient homology-directed repair and temperature-controlled genome editing. Nat Commun, 2017, 8: 2024
8. Burger A, Lindsay H, Felker A, et al. Maximizing mutagenesis with solubilized crispr-cas9 ribonucleoprotein complexes. Development, 2016, 143: 2025-2037
9. Hendel A, Bak RO, Clark JT, et al. Chemically modified guide rnas enhance crispr-cas genome editing in human primary cells. Nat Biotechnol, 2015, 33: 985-989
10. Li J, Xu R, Qin R, et al. Genome editing mediated by spcas9 variants with broad non-canonical pam compatibility in plants. Mol Plant, 2021, 14: 352-360
11. Zhang Y, Qin W, Lu X, et al. Programmable base editing of zebrafish genome using a modified crispr-cas9 system. Nat Commun, 2017, 8: 118
12. Yokoyama S, Woods SL, Boyle GM, et al. A novel recurrent mutation in mitf predisposes to familial and sporadic melanoma. Nature, 2011, 480: 99-103
13. Richter MF, Zhao KT, Eton E, et al. Phage-assisted evolution of an adenine base editor with improved cas domain compatibility and activity. Nat Biotechnol, 2020, 38: 883-891
14. Wang X, Liu Z, Li G, et al. Efficient gene silencing by adenine base editor-mediated start codon mutation. Mol Ther, 2020, 28: 431-440
15. D'Allard DL, Liu JM. Toward rna repair of diamond blackfan anemia hematopoietic stem cells. Hum Gene Ther, 2016, 27: 792-801