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Between 240 bp to 258 bp of the wild-type lhx2b coding sequence, GTGGCTCTGTGCGCCGG, is deleted. The mutated lhx2b codes for a truncated protein containing 108 aa, 80 aa of which are identical to wildtype lhx2b. Further MTA needed from the Fish Developmental Biotechnology Lab. CZ141
Between 247 bp to 252 bp of the wild-type lhx2b coding sequence, TGTG, is deleted. The mutated lhx2b codes for a truncated protein containing 107 aa, 82 aa of which are identical to wildtype lhx2b. Further MTA needed from the Fish Developmental Biotechnology Lab. CZ142
Between 251 bp and 253 bp of the wildtype lhx2b coding sequence, C, is mutated into GAGGCT. The mutated lhx2b codes for a truncated protein containing 110 aa, 83 aa of which are identical to wildtype lhx2b. Further MTA needed from the Fish Developmental Biotechnology Lab. CZ143
Between 503 bp and 504 bp of the wild-type slc45a2 coding sequence, T, is inserted. The mutated slc45a2 codes for a truncated protein containing 174 aa, 167 aa of which are identical to wildtype slc45a2. Further MTA needed from the Fish Developmental Biotechnology Lab. CZ144
Between 491 bp and 506 bp of the wild-type slc45a2 coding sequence, CGTGGTGGTGATGT, is deleted. The mutated slc45a2 codes for a truncated protein containing 169 aa, 163 aa of which are identical to wildtype slc45a2. Further MTA needed from the Fish Developmental Biotechnology Lab. CZ145
Between 496 bp and 510 bp of the wild-type slc45a2 coding sequence, TGGTGATGTTTGG, is deleted. The mutated slc45a2 codes for a truncated protein containing 213 aa, 165 aa of which are identical to wildtype slc45a2. Further MTA needed from the Fish Developmental Biotechnology Lab. CZ146
Between 105 bp and 108 bp of the wild-type akap12b coding sequence, AT, is mutated into TGGAGA. The mutated akap12b codes for a truncated protein containing 49 aa, 35 aa of which are identical to wildtype akap12b. Further MTA needed from the Fish Developmental Biotechnology Lab. CZ147
Between 108 bp and 113 bp of the wild-type akap12b coding sequence, AATG, is deleted. The mutated akap12b codes for a truncated protein containing 56 aa, 36 aa of which are identical to wildtype akap12b. Further MTA needed from the Fish Developmental Biotechnology Lab. CZ148
Between 95 bp and 107 bp of the wild-type akap12b coding sequence, TGCCCCTCAAA, is deleted. The mutated akap12b codes for a truncated protein containing 44 aa, 31 aa of which are identical to wildtype akap12b. Further MTA needed from the Fish Developmental Biotechnology Lab. CZ149
Tg(eef1a1l1:Kaede)ck2Kaede is a fluorescent protein from the stony coral Trachyphyllia geoffroyi. The protein emits bright green fluorescence after synthesis, but changes efficiently to a bright and stable red fluorescence on irradiation with UV or violet light. Useful for optical cell labeling. CZ150
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