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Further MTA needed from the Yong-Hua Sun Lab. CZ393
Further MTA needed from the Yong-Hua Sun Lab. CZ394
Further MTA needed from the Yong-Hua Sun Lab. CZ395
Further MTA needed from the Yong-Hua Sun Lab. CZ396
Further MTA needed from the Yong-Hua Sun Lab. CZ397
Further MTA needed from the Yong-Hua Sun Lab. CZ398
tsu3994 mutant embryos carry a T to G single nucleotide substitution in the 23rd exon. This T to G mutation is predicted to cause a leucine to arginine substitution (L1246R for X5 isoform of Gbf1) in Gbf1 protein, which is highly conserved across animal species from Caenorhabditis elegans to human. According to the NCBI database, zebrafish gbf1 may produce five transcription variants (X1– X5), which all encode an identical protein except for a few amino acids in the non-conserved linker regions. The full-length Gbf1 X5 isoform (WT) consists of 1846 residues and the L1246R mutation resides in the highly conserved HDS2 domain. CZ401
Between 2930 bp to 2936 bp of the wild-type gbf1 coding sequence, GGCTCAG is deleted in exon 22. The mutated gbf1 codes for a truncated protein containing 993 aa, of which 1735 aa are identical to wildtype gbf1. CZ402
In the wild-type sec14l8 coding sequence, GACATGAGCG is deleted in start codon. The mutated sec14l8 codes for a truncated protein containing 341 aa, of which 395 aa are identical to wildtype sec14l8. CZ403
tsu4305 mutant embryos carry a C to A single nucleotide substitution in the 9rd exon. This C to A mutation is predicted to cause an Ala to Asp substitution in Cdc6 protein CZ404
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