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  • 基准单价:
    营利性:¥2600(Adults)/Unit  ¥1600(Embryos)/Unit  ¥6000(Frozen sperm)/Unit  
    非营利性:¥1300(Adults)/Unit  ¥800(Embryos)/Unit  ¥3000(Frozen sperm)/Unit  
  • 友情提示:为保证传代质量,野生型种鱼不支持少量订购,10对起订
  • 特别提醒:“Availability”(品系提供方式)为“Frozen Sperm”的品系仅提供由冻存精子复苏的胚胎,不支持Adult/Embryos购买,下单时请务必选择Frozen Sperm,以免订单无效,耽误您的时间。
  • 服  务:由 国家斑马鱼资源中心 发货。
  • * 本收费用于补助CZRC所发生的运行和人工成本。
CZRC Catalog ID: CZ1254
Availability: Embryos/Adults
Genotype: apcihb347/+
Affected Gene:   apc (1)
Genotyping: unspecified
Genomic Feature Zygosity Parental Genotype Lab of Origin Construct
ihb347 heterozygous   Yonghua Sun Lab
Background: AB Affectedgeneurl: unspecified Linetype: Mutant Previous Names: cb965 (1), im:7150932, im:7152872 Background: AB Affectedgeneurl: unspecified Linetype: Mutant Previous Names: cb965 (1), im:7150932, im:7152872
Predicted to have beta-catenin binding activity; microtubule binding activity; and protein kinase regulator activity. Involved in several processes, including animal organ development; chordate embryonic development; and embryonic pectoral fin morphogenesis. Predicted to localize to several cellular components, including the beta-catenin destruction complex; intracellular non-membrane-bounded organelle; and lateral plasma membrane. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in several diseases, including adenoma; carcinoma (multiple); endometrial cancer (multiple); familial adenomatous polyposis 1; and medulloblastoma. Orthologous to human APC (APC regulator of WNT signaling pathway)
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