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作者:zhangyun 发布时间:2018/12/18 9:00:00

The 14th International Zebrafish Conference (IZFC) will be held in the Asia-Pacific region, the Suzhou International Expo Center, Suzhou, China, June 12 (Wednesday) – June 16 (Sunday), 2019. 

The conference website is up and running except the abstract submission part, which is still under testing.Please circulate it and ask your colleagues to register for it. Here is the link: 

We also launch Calls for Session or Workshop proposal  and Conference logo competition.And there are opportunities for travel award application.

Important Dates:

Sponsors and Exhibitions:
Interested sponsors and exhibitors, please contact Dr. Zhaomin Zhong (Tel: +86 15895562190, Email: [email protected]) or Conference Secretariat ([email protected]).

地址:武汉市东湖南路7号中科院水生所; 电话:027-68780570; 网址:; 邮箱:[email protected]
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